Chapel Hill Cemetery

Jacksonville, Fl


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This photo is of the monument in the veterans section of the Chapel Hill cemetery.  The orb in the sky appears like the moon. The direction of this photo was West and the moon was in it's 1st quarter and in the East.


This photo clearly shows an orb in the lower left branches of the tree.


This is the same orb but I moved up closer to the tree and more underneath.


My mother and I went to the cemetery to change the Christmas flowers off  my fathers grave.  This is one of my favorite photos because it was taken of my fathers grave site and there appears to be two orbs beside it.  I believe this to be the spirits of my father and grandmother (his mother).  Since it was rather cold out that night I think they were laughing at us saying look at those two fools out there in the freezing cold trying to take pictures of ghost.